Florence FFA
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Proficiency Awards
The Agricultural Proficiency Awards program encourages members to set personal goals and learn practical skills. The program provides recognition to FFA members at the local, state and national levels for exceptional accomplishments and excellence in their Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program. There are 51 proficiency award areas that individuals can apply for, ranging from Agricultural Communications to Wildlife Production and Management.

Members may apply for proficiency awards while in or within one year after graduation from high school.  At minimum, applicants must have kept one full calendar year’s worth of records as an FFA member to apply for any proficiency award above the chapter level.  Proficiency application must advance through district, area and state level competition to reach national.  Check with your local advisor to determine local application deadlines.

Proficiency awards will be judged by the following criteria:
  • Skills and competencies learned that relate to an agricultural career field.
  • Financial achievements, including growth in scope.
  • Personal growth and development through FFA activities.
  • Evidence of student accomplishments based on available resources and opportunities.
  • Communication skills as demonstrated in the written portions of applications and clear, concise answers given during interviews.  (Note: No personal interviews are conducted at the state level.)
  • Recognition
    Chapter: Certificate and Medal received at chapter awards program. (Sponsor: National FFA Foundation)

    District: Recognition varies.  Generally a certificate and/or plaque are presented at the District Banquet or Convention.
    Area: Recognition varies.  Generally a certificate and/or plaque are presented at the Area Banquet or Convention.
    State: $1,000 scholarship and plaque presented at the Texas FFA Convention (Sponsor: Texas FFA Foundation)  
    National Finalist: $250 cash award, National Finalist plaque presented at National FFA Convention (Sponsor: National FFA Foundation)
    Application Timeline
    Spring: Chapters make award selection in accordance to local policies. Check with local FFA advisor.

    Award applications are submitted at district degree check and award selection meeting. Winners are selected and advanced to area. Check with local advisor for dates and places.

    District-winning applications are reviewed at respective area degree check and award selection meetings. Winners are selected and advanced to state level competition. Check with local advisor for dates and places.
    June Area winning applications are submitted to the Texas FFA Advanced Degree Check and Award and Scholarship Selection Conference.

    TBD: All applications advancing to the national competition must be in state office.

    July: State winners recognized on stage at Texas FFA Convention and receive $1,000 scholarship.

    July 1: National FFA Postmark Deadline

    National finalist selection at National FFA Center, Indianapolis. State staff are notified of results and results are posted on National FFA Organization's website.

    October: National finalists are interviewed at the National FFA Convention. Finalists who wish to participate in the international travel seminar are interviewed as well. All finalists are recognized on stage and the national winner


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